Tribute To Astrud Gilberto
Astrud Gilberto recently left us, leaving behind a vast cultural legacy. In the 1960s, she introduced bossa nova to the world. Her airy voice with its distinctive English accent made this new musical genre famous through the creations of Brazilian artists. Miranda Verouli is a singer with a long-standing presence in the Greek jazz and world music scene. She is considered the «Ambassador» of Brazilian music in Greece and has been honored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil with the Rio Branco Knight Medal for her contribution to the promotion of Brazilian music in Greece. Along with a group of top Greek jazz musicians, she interprets songs from the iconic recordings of the «Queen of Bossa Nova» and invites us on a «non-stop flight to Brazil»!
TENOR SAXOPHONE: George Tsiropoulos / PIANO: Spyros Manesis / BASS: George Roulos / DRUMS: Anastasis Gouliaris
The event is held under the auspices of the Brazilian Embassy in Athens.
With the generous support of Coralli Sea Side Resort